Wednesday, October 31, 2007


This past weekend we took the RV for a camping trip. The boys had off school on Monday so we thought we would go for a couple of nights. Didn't think it was going to happen at first since it had been raining for several days but finally the front was to move off on Sat. afternoon so we decided to go. We just went locally (when you live at the beach it's real easy to go). I took my camera to play with but found out my battery was low and I had forgotten the charger. I did get a few pictures though and thought I would share them with you.

Just a lone fisherman out early in the morning
These next 2 pictures show dolphins playing in the water. They are not the best but you can just make them out. Unfortunately I did not have my telephoto lense on the camera this morning.

This was the sun setting (over the campground) the 1st night we were there. It was welcome after so many evenings with rain. The sky was even more pretty the 2nd night but my camera battery was dead at this point.

Update on Stitching (Love and other)

Here is the updated of Love w/Capital L. It was taken on the 26th but I have not stitched any more on it. I am putting this on hold for the time being. I have to work on Christmas ornaments that will be gifts this year.

This is for a stitch it forward round robin on the cross stitch crazy board. Hopefully my pal likes it.

10-26 to 11-4 Walking to Chatanooga

10-26 - 0. I walked while camping but don't know the miles
Tues 10-27 - 0. I had dr. appt. and never made it to the gym.
Wed. 10-28 - Again 0. I had errands to run plus I fell during camping and have tried to recumperate my back and arms.

Thurs 10-29

Walking to Chattanooga

The week of 10-22 through 10-28 was a very bad week. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure a few weeks before. I tried for 3 weeks with water pills and they did not help. I exercised through this time but when I went to the dr. my blood pressure was so high she sent me home with orders to relax (no exercise) so I did no walking or anything.

I did walk over the weekend w/dh. We went camping on Saturday and I walked Sat., Sun, and even Monday but I am not counting any of that towards my goal since I really don't know how far it was. I walked all through the campground and on the beach but I will count it as only for my health.

So far I have walked 38 miles toward my goal. I hope to get back to exercising real soon maybe even tomorrrow.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Week 10-15 to 10-21 for walking to Chattanooga

Last week I walked and did the elipical a total of 21.5 miles. I take Mondays off from any activities (atleast for now). This is the day I spend at the middle school and with sports practices there is no time for exercise.

Mon. 10/15 - 0

Tues. 10/16 - Elipical 3.75 miles Walking 2 miles for total of 5.75 miles.

Wed. 10/17 - Elipical 2 miles Walking 1 mile for total of 3 miles

Thurs 10/18 - Treadmill 2.25 miles Walking 2 miles for total of 4.25 miles.

Fri 10/19 - Elipical 2.25 miles Walking 1.25 miles for total of 3.5 miles.

Total for the week was 16.50

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Walking to Chattanooga, TN

My friend Tammy in Canada loves the New York Yankees. To help motivate her to walk/run, exercise she figured how far it is from her house to Yankee Stadium. She is keeping track of this to see how long it would take her to get there.

Well I am going to try something like that. My family is taking a RV vacation to Chatttanooga, TN this summer. I want to see if I can get there before I actually get there. I will be counting walks/jogs, elipical, recumberant bike, etc. I will keep adding up all the miles and see if I can do it. It is 474 miles from my house to Chattanooga so let see if you can help route me on.

I actually started today.

10/9/07 - 1.5 miles on elipical and 1.25 miles walking for total of 2.75 miles.

10/10/07 - 1.5 miles on elipical and 1.5 miles walking for total of 3 miles today.

10/11/07 - 2.25 miles on elipical and 2 miles walking/jogging for total of 4.25 miles today.

10/12/07 - 3.25 miles on the elipical and 2.25 miles walking for total of 5.5 miles today.

10/13/07 - 3 miles walking

10/17/07 - 3 miles walking

Total for the week: 21.5 miles

Friday, October 5, 2007

Love 10-5-07

Here is the full size picture then the close up to show the colors better. I am using VC silks in Dragon's Hoard, Pansy, and Emerald Isle. It is stitching up pretty quickly